Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a lifelong disorder, commonly becomes manifest as puberty progresses, but its onset can occur later, during young adulthood.1 Clinical hallmarks are menstrual abnormalities and manifestations of hyperandrogenism, but the severity of the disorder is variable.2 The symptoms of PCOS usually begin at about the time of menarche, but post pubertal onset is also seen, usually as a result of environmental modifiers such as excess weight gain.3 An ovulatory symptoms occur in about 75%, Hirsutism affects about 60%, acne affects 15% to 20%, and androgenic alopecia about 5%, Obesity has been reported in 30% to 75% of PCOS subjects.4 Management of PCOS focuses on the menstrual abnormalities, symptoms of androgen excess, and associated metabolic changes.5 Weight loss through lifestyle change, use of hormonal contraceptive agents for menstrual regulation as well as androgen suppression, antiandrogens as adjuncts for hirsutism treatment, and insulin-sensitizing agents are common components of treatment. Lack of knowledge and poor lifestyle choices are considered to be the major factor leading to this syndrome.6 Nurses are in unique position to create awareness regarding this syndrome. Informed choices and lifestyle management like weight loss, stress management are key factors in management of this disease.7
Assess the pre-test level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies among adolescent girls at selected colleges.
Assess the post-test level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies among adolescent girls.
Find the effectiveness of informative educational programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies.
Determine the association between the mean pre-test knowledge score of adolescent girls on polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies and selected demographic variables.
H1: There will be significant difference betwen pre-test and post-test level of knowledge on polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies among adolescent girls
H2: There will be significant association between mean pre-test knowledge score on polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies with selected demographic variables.
Materials and Methods
In the present study, the researcher aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of informative educational approach on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome, it’s impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies among Adolescent Girls at selected college students. Study approach was quantitative evaluative and pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test research design was used for the current study. The study conducted at selected PU colleges and non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 adolescent girls studying in first year and second year PUC with different branches. The researcher used two instruments for the relevant data collection, Socio-demographic variables such as age, Body Mass Index (BMI), studying year in the PUC, different branches in the PUC, dietary pattern, physical activities engaging in the daily life, age of menarche, regularity of menarche, menstrual flow pattern, habit of eating junk food, sources of information about PCOS and previous knowledge of PCOS and Structured knowledge questionnaire on PCOS, its impact and prevention. Before the educational programme collected the data using the research tool followed by intervention and post-test was conducted on seventh day after the intervention using the same questionnaires categorised into three groups in the knowledge aspect poor, average, and good knowledge based on their score. The collected data were computed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The investigator obtained written permission from the concerned authority.8
Table 1
Table 2
Level of knowledge |
Score |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Poor |
0-7 |
18 |
16.3 |
00 |
00 |
Average |
8-14 |
92 |
83.6 |
18 |
16.3 |
Good |
15-21 |
00 |
00 |
92 |
83.6 |
Total |
110 |
100 |
110 |
100 |
Table 3
Level of knowledge |
Mean |
Mean difference |
SD |
Calculated “t” value |
P value |
Pre test |
9.1 |
08.5 |
1.88 |
-44.34 |
<0.00001 |
Post test |
17.6 |
1.15 |
Table 4
Table 1 explains that majority16-17 years of age group adolescent girls were 53% (59) and remaining were in the age group of 18-19 years were 47% (12.5) respectively. 38% (42) of adolescent girls were having BMI > 25, 32% (35) were in the BMI of 22-25 and remaining 30% (32) girls were having BMI 18-21. 70% (77) of adolescent girls were studying in first year PUC and 30% (33) were in second year. Studying in science branch were 45% (49), commerce branch was 29% (32) and remaining 26% (29) were in arts branch. Majority of 45% (49) adolescent girls’ dietary pattern was mixed type of diet and the least 26% (29) was vegetarian type of diet. 32% (35) of them have the habit of Physical activity yoga and the least 8% (8) were doing brisk walking in their daily living activity. 52% (57) of girls were not having the habit of eating junk food, 83% (91) of adolescent girls had the regular menstrual cycle with the 51% (56) of normal flow, majority 67% (61) of adolescent girls were not the awareness on PCOS and its impact on heath and majority 55% (60) of the girls were getting information from the internet.
The data in the Table 2 shows that the Pre-test knowledge score, 83.6% (92) of the adolescent girls were having average level of knowledge on PCOS and its prevention and remaining 16.3% (18) were having poor level of knowledge whereas the Post-test knowledge score, 83.6% (92) of the students were in the Good level of knowledge on PCOS and its preventive strategies remaining 16.3% (18) were having average level of knowledge.
Data presented in the Table 3 describes the Mean score before manipulation was ± 9.1 and the standard deviation was ± 1.88 whereas after intervention Mean score was ±17.6 and SD was ± 1.15. The mean difference was ± 8.5. The calculated ‘t’ value ± 44.34 which was a greater value compared to the critical value i.e., ±1.98 which depicts that significance at the 0.05 level. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted. This outcome indicates that the informative education programme was effectiveness in enhancing the knowledge of adolescent girls on PCOS, its impact on reproductive system and preventive strategies.
The above Table 4 shows that the association between the selected sociodemographic variables such as age, study year in PUC, Branch in the PUC, Dietary pattern, Physical activity in the daily life, habit of eating junk food, age of menarche, type of menstrual flow, awareness of PCOS, and sources of information on PCOS and Mean Pre-test knowledge score found to be non-significant at 0.05 level since each calculated value of demographic variables were lesser than critical value. This result showed that null hypothesis was accepted and research hypothesis was rejected. Whereas BMI and regularity of menstrual cycle found to be significant at 0.05 level calculated chi-square value was 7.90 and 16.93 with p value of 0.019 and 0.00005 respectively, which was significantly greater than the critical value hence result showed that null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted.
By witnessing the above explanation this result showed that the informative educational programme was effective in augmenting the knowledge of adolescent girls concerning to PCOS its impact and preventive measures. Pertaining to the association between pre-test knowledge and demographic variables describes that there was an association between demographic variable like BMI and regularities of menstrual cycle found to be significant at 0.05 level where as remaining variables are not being significant since their chi square values were lesser than their critical values.
In health care setting nurses are in unique position to create awareness regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and its impact on reproductive health.9, 10, 11 Through education, helps the adolescent girls to understand the syndrome and its associated risk factors to prevent long-term health problems and encourage them to make positive life styles changes.12, 13 A good plan will address nutrition education, meal planning, physical activity, mental and emotional health, weight and stress reduction strategies to facilitate engagement, nurses can provide counselling with educational support in the form of electronic or written materials.14, 15