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Received : 20-04-2023

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Case report on nutrition management in liver transplant

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Case Report

Author Details : Pravalika Londe, Edwina Raj*, Mallikarjun Sakpal, Sonal Asthana, Simran Khanam

Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2023

Article Page : 96-101

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Background: Liver transplantation or hepatic transplantation is a procedure of replacing diseased liver with a healthy liver. It needs cautious post-operative care including nutritional intervention.
Case Study/Methods: We present a 65 year old patient underwent a liver transplant due to acute liver failure. The patient’s diet history revealed a daily intake of carbohydrates and fats but inadequate protein intake.
Results: The patient’s nutritional interventions were analyzed and evaluated through hospital recalls and proper follow up visits. In studies, hospital recall on 7 day of post-surgery showed a great improvement in calorie and protein intake. The discharge diet plan included a well-balanced diet with protein, carbohydrates and fat intake to ensure nutritional care for the patient’s recovery.
Conclusion: Nutritional intervention plays a vital role in post-operative care of liver transplant patients. This case study signifies the importance of personalized dietary intervention to resolve PEM, improve nutritional intake while supporting successful surgical outcome and recovery.

Keywords: Liver transplantation, PEM, Nutritional intervention, Post-operative nutrition therapy, Surgical nutrition therapy, Personalized dietary intervention

How to cite : Londe P, Raj E, Sakpal M, Asthana S, Khanam S, Case report on nutrition management in liver transplant. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2023;6(2):96-101

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