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Received : 21-05-2021

Accepted : 09-06-2021

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A study to find out correlation between life style, nutritional status, personnel habits, physical development and sudden death due to cardiac origin

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Original Article

Author Details : Mohammed Iliyas Sheikh*, Swati Patel

Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2021

Article Page : 64-69

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Present study was carried out on sudden death cases brought to the institute either as brought dead or died during treatment with 24 hours of admission and forwarded by the investigating officer for medico-legal postmortem examination. Various parameters were collected such as age, length and weight of the body, history of chest pain, vomiting etc. Out of 61 deceased examined, 50 were male and 11 were female. Commonest age group was 46 – 55 years followed by 36 -45 and 56 – 65 years of age. Vegetarians (50) and tobacco chewing (47) outnumber the all other causes. Individuals are having indoor working place (44)
are more affected than the outdoor workers (17). Commonly affected individuals were having body weight between 61 -70 kg (Mean 65.5 kg) and body length 160-169 cm (Mean 164.5cm). There is no correlation was observed between the sudden death and BMI. Left coronary artery affected more as compared to right one. The histopathological examination revealed positive result in 35 cases (57%) out of which, acute myocardial infarction in 13 cases and in 22 cases presence of healed myocardial infarction while in 26 cases there was no changes observed.

Keywords: Sudden death,Coronary artery disease,Acute myocardial infarction,Histopathological examination

How to cite : Sheikh M I, Patel S , A study to find out correlation between life style, nutritional status, personnel habits, physical development and sudden death due to cardiac origin. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2021;4(2):64-69

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