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An exploratory study on knowledge of tribal school going adolescents regarding basics of foods and nutrition

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Author Details : Hemangini Gandhi*, Shweta Iyer

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2020

Article Page : 95-99

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Background: About 635 tribal groups and subgroups including 75 primitive tribes live in India. Various
nutritional deficiency diseases, proportion of malnourished children, anemia are high among tribal children.
The wide spread illiteracy and lack of awareness regarding foods and Nutrition in tribal communities are
one of the important contributing factors for dismal health in tribal communities. Investing in education and
training for adolescents and young people is perhaps the single most promising action to improve quality
of life of tribal children. Documentation of the tribal school going adolescent’s knowledge on foods and
nutrition is scanty. There is a need to assess the scope for reinforcing knowledge of basics of foods and
nutrition through school curriculum.
Objective: The present study was planned to know whether the tribal school going adolescents have a basic
idea of foods and nutrition or not.
Materials and Methods: All the tribal adolescent children (n= 158) studying in 8th to 12th standards from
a Government Ashramshala were enrolled for the study. Knowledge regarding basics of Foods and nutrition
was assessed using pretested questionnaire. Data on health and nutrition topics in their curriculum was also
Findings: The study revealed that less than half of the boys and girls could correctly define food,
importance of balanced diet and consequences of an inadequate diet. Knowledge regarding definition of
balanced diet, concept of healthy food, anemia and dietary sources of Iron was poor.
Conclusion: Thus strategies need to be developed for promoting awareness regarding basics of foods and
nutrition through integrating it in school curriculum

Keywords: Tribal, School adolescents, Knowledge, Foods and Nutrition, School curriculum.

How to cite : Gandhi H, Iyer S, An exploratory study on knowledge of tribal school going adolescents regarding basics of foods and nutrition. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2020;3(3):95-99

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