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Epidemiology and phenotype variation in young diabetes patients

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Author Details : Shivani Arya*, Dharmendra Panchal, Banshi Saboo

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2020

Article Page : 90-94

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Introduction: More and more people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at a younger age nowadays. It is
need of an hour to study epidemiology and phenotype variations in this group.
Aims: To study phenotype among the young diabetes population.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analysed data of all type 2 diabetes patients attending OPD
from Jan 2019 to march 2019. Total 106 patients attended OPD during this period. BMI, PBF (% BODY
FAT), VFI (Visceral fat index), Hba1c, Triglyceride, LDL and NON HDL, Total Calorie intake and % daily
carbohydrate intake were reviewed for all 106 patients. All 106 subjects were divided in two groups based
on their age; group A age 40 years (n=33), group B age > 40 years (n=73). Group B was further divided
into group B1 (age 41-60 years) (n=58) and group B2 (age 61 year) (n=15). Average of BMI, Body fat
analysis and biochemical parameters were compared between these two groups. Student’s T test was used
to calculate the p value for all parameters.
Results: We analysed data of all 106 patients and average of BMI, PBF, VFI, HbA1c, TG, LDL, NON
HDL, TOTAL CALORIES, % Carbohydrate was compared between Group A and Group B. Average TG,
LDL, NON HDL and % daily carbohydrate intake were higher in group A as compared to total as well
as group B. out of this all parameters NON HDL and % of daily carbohydrate intake was higher in group
A as compared to group B [(NON HDL (p value 0.0412); % carbohydrate intake (p value 0.064)]. In sub
analysis the difference was more significant in group B2 (NON HDL) p value 0.0118; % of carbohydrate
intake (p value 0.0275).
Conclusion: NON HDL level and % of daily carbohydrate intake are significantly associated with a young
Type 2 diabetes population ( 40 years) as compared to the adult population particularly type 2 diabetes
population with age 60 years. NON HDL cholesterol and % of daily carbohydrate intake can be more
easy targets to reduce prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the younger population. However, it may require
further research in mass population.

Keywords: Diabetes in young phenotypes in diabetes risk factore of diabetes in young carbohydrates intake non HDL and young onset diabetes.

How to cite : Arya S, Panchal D, Saboo B, Epidemiology and phenotype variation in young diabetes patients. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2020;3(3):90-94

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