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Coffee, will it be Healthy Choice

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Review Article

Author Details : Supriya Shanmugam*

Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2020

Article Page : 45-51

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Good health and well-being are essential for all humans and depend upon good nutrition. Since the beginning of humanity, plant foods have been used to promote health and prevent disease. Coffee has been exalted by people of different nations not only because of its distinctive aroma and taste but also due to its stimulating and health promoting effects. But its effect on the human health has been ignored by the people. This article enlightens the basic bioactive components, harmful components present in coffee and the risk associated with the consumption of coffee and also health benefits associated with the consumption of coffee. Despite the risk associated with coffee consumption outweigh consumer’s health benefits we should find alternative for coffee such as our traditional health drinks, ragi malt, gruel/porridge prepared from millets and nuts to lead a healthy life.

Keywords: Exalted, Stimulating, Outweigh, Traditional.

How to cite : Shanmugam S, Coffee, will it be Healthy Choice. J Nutr Metab Health Sci 2020;3(2):45-51

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